Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Recipe for Disaster

This would be the name of my cooking show; pun intended.

Am I the only one that has a fake cooking show while baking?  I bet real hosts of cooking shows don't need a change of clothes halfway through the episode nor do they use approximately 10 different measuring cups when only 3 are needed if simple fraction addition is applied correctly.  BUT You know what else they don't have?  Mad spatching skillz (skills using the spatula).

These qualities should make marketing my show THAT much more easy.  Who wouldn't want to watch such whimsy?  It would make every housewife in America feel good about themselves.  Cooking with realism.  It's powerful.

In other news....

Starbucks drink=demolished.
First Christmas present of the season=purchased.
Kitchen sink=clean.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Application, Schmapplication

Today I spent approximately 3 hours applying to one single solitary school district. had to get in the closet, avalanche. Ridiculous requirements, including a shock of my hair and a copy of my foot print.

**This is a draft I just published from 2010 when I briefly moved to Houston so I could go on the "Parade of Jobs."

That's all.

Don't Let The Man Get You Down

You're welcome.  I decided to allow adds on my blog.  Then I changed my mind.  Just wanted to keep you updated on the level of care.

Add free for your ultimate enjoyment.

Plus I'm lazy and I didn't want obscene advertisements and the list of choices to block or not block had approximately 20 pages and now I blog in run-on sentences and the quality of writing is just way down here with the be verbs and whatnot abounding and I don't think getting a $10 check every three months for my blog is good for my self esteem and The Man is just peeking around every corner of every advertisement; they can't fool me.


Other wins today:

Positive potty experience (I am referring to my toddler, no I'm not that weird.)
Homemade fried rice AT LUNCH (I'm like freaking suzy homemaker, although I'm sure suzy would go ahead and cook dinner but I'm using this as a reason to NOT cook dinner)
Un-monetizing my blog (I'm so free right now I might just float away)
Acquiring a spot in the queue for an emergency bug spray this afternoon (I killed multiple spiders and such in my house, a win? not so much...although its more of a win for me than my little buggy friends (read with accent))

Until next time (when I tell you about how I got kicked out of the free food tent at the race Saturday) Keep your eye on The Man and cheers!  

If I've taught you anything, it's to watch out for The Man.  And trip him.  (Just say no to advertisements).

PS-I solved for "X" Saturday morning at the race.  X = sore hips and knees and a race time reflective of the rest on the side of the road around mile 10 for a sock adjustment...and then a few minutes later I was still sitting.  But over all, it was a really great experience.  We saw our friends, enjoyed the scenery, ate really great food and I finally got my husband hooked on running so that was a win.  I can't wait to get my toe healed so I can beat the pants off him at the next race.  Babe, I hope you read this.  But I'm sure you won't, because you never do (we have a real healthy relationship, y'all.  No really.)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Don't Want Nun

Feeling old...being tailgated by a nun in a truck says something both about my grandmotherly driving skills and where I live.

Had lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends today, there's a briskness in the air that I love and a whole pot of afternoon coffee waits for me.  My sweet baby sleeps soundly and all is right with the world in this moment.

Except for all the laundry.  Why is there so much laundry?!  It's like a horror film with cotton and soap.

But I'll worry about that tomorrow.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Fun* Take II

"Disclaimer: this post contains warm and fuzzy content. I am not my usual sarcastic self. I blame the autumn wreath candle I'm burning. Usually, by this time in October I've posted at least three blogs on fall, my love of fall, sparkly pumpkins, lattes and whatnot. It's not that I don't care about it this year. Don't worry. I've consumed at least three times my body weight in pumpkin and or spicy coffee drinks and broke out my decorative pumpkins and wreaths on time (read way before most normal people). It's just that I've been working on potty training my child. I never knew"

When I posted this before, what I was going to say I didn't know was "how consumed I could be by pee, but I won't bore you with my daughter's bathroom habits so here's a story all cozy and smiley about pumpkin pickin'"  but what I don't know now is how I deleted my warm, fuzzy fall post about the pumpkin patch, veggie soup and family!!

Blogger, you're fired!  I mean me.

I'm my mom.  

*Fun, meaning, Posting Shenanigans.  Just directly substitute.

Cosmos vs. Me, it's like 4 to 0, y'all.  The other three points were scored early last week while cleaning up TeeTee.

Adventures of a Mother Runner

I have an equation I need help solving.  I know, I know....why am I asking you to do Math when, clearly, the post title indicates the content should be running.  Well, impatient.  You haven't read the equation yet!

(Toe fracture+3 weeks off the already shortened 10 week training plan)/5 hours of sleep the night before the race=X

Solve for X, my friend.  That's what I'll be doing early this coming Saturday morning.

In all seriousness...I am not looking for a record breaking time (thank GOODNESS).  I run this race, which is the Chosen Half Marathon, to show my support to some of my most dear friends as they raise funds for their adoption.  I will run with gusto, walk with pride, hobble in support.  I aim to cover every inch of the course, even with pain if it amounts to that.  They have taken their journey in stride with pain and joy.  I know that the emotions and feelings I have during a race pale in comparison to what they have been through, BUT I pray they know just how much they are loved and supported by their friends and family; how much we have cried and rejoiced alongside them.

BATTLE CRY! "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever, Amen!"  Ephesians 3:20-21

(Two posts in one day - Bazinga!)