With a little car trouble, the excitement of a new apartment, new furniture, the Houston Adventure begins.
With my parents driving around and around i610, new neighbors, Matt's new job, the Houston Adventure begins.
With a job search, a brief vacation and hopes of finding a new church, the Houston Adventure begins.
It's easy to be discouraged when something is ending and something completely foreign and unknown is starting. However, the reality is that there is just as much opportunity for something great to happen. When I first moved to Texas, I was not enthusiastic, to say the least. Looking back, though, I had some great times, met some wonderful people and learned a lot about myself. It was hard on my marriage at times, but what's great about hard times is that good times always follow and not only are they good, but they are sprinkled with new wisdom and enthusiasm, strengthened love and appreciation for those around me. I'm lucky to have such a dedicated, hard working and loving husband to share all my adventures with, especially the Houston Adventure!
I will never prefer being so far from my family, but I have found that I still keep in touch with them, even when I haven't seen them in the last week, month or few months. I remain hopeful for and anticipate the day that we will be closer, the day my child will only have to travel a few hours or minutes to go to Aunt Katie's house or Lil' B's. (ok, Lil' B has an explanation behind it. Basically, my Dad one day says "Your kids can call me G-Daddy." Which of course led my entire family to immediately start throwing out ridiculous gangster names for my mom. After much deliberation, we arrived at Lil' B. She refuses to admit that we are funny, and will only say that she's NOT signing any grandchildren's graduation cards as "Lil' B". Clearly, she's in denial.).
I'll stop with the inspirational speech now. I have important things to do. Job search, read.........paint my nails.......um all really important.
To the Houston Adventure! Cheers!
Until next time.
Ahhhhhhhhh, Rachel. You made me cry once again. If you will move within a few minutes of my house I will sign the graduation cards with any name you want me to :)